Harley Lowry

Harley Lowry

Harley Lowry serves as a Ruling Elder at Grace Presbyterian Church. He came to recognize that the Lord was working in his life at about the age of 20 after meeting his future wife and her family. He joined the Lisbon OPC (now Grace Presbyterian Church) in 1972, after which his life changed dramatically. Harley and his wife, Deb, lived out of the area for a few years and became more involved in the church after moving back “home”. Harley became ordained as a Ruling Elder in 1993. He taught the teenage group and then an adult class for Sunday school. Like all of us, Harley has experienced various trials, but with the Lord’s grace and love, he and his wife have stayed strong in the faith. They just celebrated 50 years of marriage, to which he says, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”